Monday, October 13, 2008

Pumpkin Patch 2008 I

Jason, Olivia and I went to a 'pumkin patch' called Goblin Gardens on Sunday to get us in the Fall and Halloween Mood! We did so many fun things, I ended up taking over 70 pictures- Here are a hand full or so of them and as you can see Olivia loved it! What is not pictured is a corn maze that we went through - of course I was in charge of getting us through it and couldn't (this was a hard maze) and Jason and Olivia just followed along. He made note that MiMa Sue would love it and that Travis would hear the entire story of how 'Farm Girl' couldn't get us out of a Corn Maze! Good Times!!!
This particular pumpkin is "Too Heavy" says Olivia!
Just hangin' out at with the Pumpkin Wagon! And Daddy does the pulling! Hang on tight!!!

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