Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2010 Bill Buchman Showmanship Sweepstakes

This year, Olivia and I, with Daniele and Maddox presented the Reserve Champion and Grand Champion winner for the Bill Buchman Showmanship Sweepstakes. Olivia was excited to give them a trophy but they actually receive plaques and a folding chair...but nonetheless it was an honor to be there to give each of the participants an EE Savings Bond as well!
Olivia made a new friend with Denny Asmus, whom she immediately thought looked like Papa Bill. Since we were at the fair for about 6 out of the 7 days...she got to hang out with him a fair amount of time! Very exciting!

These are all of the Participants!

This is us waiting to find out who won the big awards!

This is the reserve champion!

This is the champion! (notice how I am not smiling but my kid is smiling so great! Uggg)

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