Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jason Parker Hill Arrives Early

Jason Parker HIll arrived with a Great Deal of excitment!

I woke in the morning with some pretty intense Braxton Hicks contractions- but soon was confident that they were NOT Braxton Hicks...Then my water broke. Jason and I were waiting for someone to come and get Olivia and take her to school while my contractions were about 4 minutes apart. We still had to stop at the Dr.s Office before being sent to the hospital. I couldn't make it more than 10 steps out of the car and into the hospital so the nurses came running with a wheelchair. By the time I got put into a room, baby Hill was on his way. From beginning to end- I was in labor for less than 3 hours. This little guy was in a hurry.

Jason Parker and Dad

After getting to hold Jason Parker for only a few minutes, he was taken to the nursery because he was having trouble breathing. He was 5 weeks early and concidered a premature birth- and he had premature lungs. He needed to be transported from Auburn to Montgomery's Baptist South NICU that night. We were very glad that he was transported when he was because he needed the NICU care and has been impoving every day because of it!

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